Thursday, February 28, 2019

sorry iv been out for a few days, i have been sick and feeling under the weather, which has been nasty, not much progress on the lambo. this week, i'm having a space issue and am in the process of cleaning out the van. then we just got 5 inches of snow this morning and its really cold outside. so im just going to keep printing pieces and not worry about the assembly. i'm getting ready to post the fender on thingiverse i have to make sure i have all the files first.  work is picking up with my day job so time i have available to invest in to the lambo is going to be reduced.

*something i have been wondering about is how many people are printing the front bumper i posted on thingiverse?*

Monday, February 25, 2019

Bad weather today 20-30 mph winds and snow squalls, not worth starting a print when the power keeps flickering. today might just be a day of figuring out supports for the body panels i already have.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

i took the tape off the front bumper, it looks a little more professional. the bady is starting to become to flimsy. im going to need a cheap way to make supports. here is a picture of the bumper now.
just added the front bumper to thingiverse. link
print away!
 a continuation of yesterday. i was thinking of not printing the "flat" Pieces inside the door wells to save on time and filament and fill them using cardboard. i think i'm just going to print a 3 inch piece along the bottom just to get size reference and fill the rest with cardboard filler.

 a few things i regret is completely taping the front bumper together, it just looks un-professional. also i'm going to go back to 1.5 mm shell thickness as the 1.3 mm is causing layering issues and prints are beginning to fail a lot easier. 

a lesson i learned today is 1.5 mm thickness is the optimal shell thickness for my printer settings. 
and using tape and cardboard for strength on the inner side of the parts looks way more professional and keeps the contour lines easier too see. i might be removing the tape off the front bumper later while waiting for prints to finish but i have a picture to spoil you with how far along the project has gotten.

one thing is for sure i underestimated the size of this thing. soon itll have to be transitioned into my mobile garage (2001 ford E-150 van) this is where the body work and fiber glassing is going to happen in the spring/summer. 

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Production has started again, got the fender all taped together here's a picture for you guys
continuing with the DIY Lamborghini Gallardo and waiting for the new order of filament to arrive in the mail today. then going to begin production again and continue printing the inner door way then work my way back to the rear quarter panel. stay tuned for another update later today.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

update to my last post, i have found that a seventh generation toyota celica is quite possibly the best chance that i have to a donor car. the specs are almost the same size wise, and the rear hatch will reduce the amount of cutting i would have to do, unfortunately i'll have to modify the steering column to match the position of the steering wheel in the lambo. also the windshield is almost the same size as the stock lambo windshield  so i can save a few $$ on that until i save up for a real one. comparing both 3d models in 3ds max shows that the front "Hood" *in my case* would clear the stock motor and trans in the celica. which im okay with as ill be making minor adj to be able to maintain the stock motor and trans. the doors line up fairly well, the front doors would have to be shortened a little to match the same size of the lambo doors. the only problem i can see is the depth of the floor pans under the dash. i'm not too sure how much room i have to push the firewall into the engine bay without interfering with any drive train or anything. if anyone could provide some photos of how much room is behind the drivers side floor pan and the transmission in a 7th gen celica please feel free to share.  *in the photo above, its hard to make out but there is a toyota celica and the lambo on top of each other. you can see the difference and what type of modifications i need to do to make this transformation work. if i have to make a custom "ram air" style hood to make it clear the stock motor and tans i well. * let me know your thoughts. keep it real guys!  *Imagination should be the center of your life*
upon further review i have ruled out a eclipse for the donor car, the wheel base is off a little and the dash and steering column would sit way to far back in the vehicle, although it would be a lot easier to fit the body on the chassis if i got the convertible eclipse. i don't feel like doing a lot of modification to steering columns and electronics. as of right now i'm looking into a dodge neon or Plymouth neon for the donor car. if i can find a cheap feiro i would use that. but in my area they are few and far in between.
Today i ordered 4 more rolls of PLA filament, project is on production hold until they arrive this Sunday, most of the work being done is just prepping files and printer maintenance.
my printer is a ANYCUBIC I3 MEGA,

I bought mine a year ago with this project in mind, but as i said earlier. it was a dumb idea at the time. the settings for my printer (this project) is the normal settings, its just the layer height is set to 0.3 and the infill is set to 0%

the program i'm using is 3ds Max 17. 
printing program is Cura.

below is the current progress that i have printed so far.
Green- Prepped for printing
Light blue- Printed
Red -unprepared 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I made a short 7 min long video of how i add a shell modifier to a plane object in 3ds max 17, this is how you can give the plane a depth to allow for the 3d printer program (Cura) to see a "printable part" and not just a skin. enjoy and i hope i helped you.
 i can go into detail about why i use the shell modifier after slicing the model into pieces but it would take a while to explain, your just going to have to trust me. of if your really want to know send me an email and ill try and explain to you. also remember a dumb question is a question that isn't asked.
 enjoy the video! sorry about the low quality. (currently experiencing technical difficulty with the video. will upload a new one with better quality soon. or i might just record a new one all together.)

Not much progress happening to the lambo today, i have run out of filament for my printer i just ordered some, and am now waiting util it arrives. also tomorrow ill be ordering my first batch of fiberglass to skin the front bumper soon. but today will be a day of just prepping to print. feel free to ask questions. also i'm looking for suggestions to name the project. put all suggestions in the comments.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

After the shell is printed i am going to reinforce the shell with fiberglass and then the respected body work, sanding and profiling after. the shell is then going to be integrated onto a chassis of a donor car. keeping the drive train intact until i can afford a respectable drive train to put into it. this will solve two problems #1 i live in a area where i cant have a vehicle that doesn't move under its own power (a apartment) and would keep the vehicle "mobile" as well as #2 allowing me to be able to drive the vehicle. that already has a VIN# making it a little easier to register.

 the donor candidates are
2003 Mistubishi eclipse convertable
2003 doge neon
2003 saab 9-3 turbo convertable

if you have any other suggestions about donor vehicles please comment and or hit me up. also please keep negative comments to yourself, im doing this they way i want, if you don't agree the back button is only a click away.
what i have so far, the bumper is taped together and the front fender is being printed and needs to be assembled.
This Blog is about my journey to building my dream car, as of right now, i don’t have much invested but i have a solid base of knowledge, ideas and motivation or inspiration. This blog is for your guys, to follow along and help or inspire me and yourselves to follow your dreams.

here’s a throwback, Ever since i was little all i wanted was to own a Lamborghini, it didn’t matter which model as all of them are such beautiful works of art. and now to current days, seeing younger kids on YouTube owning and flashing around in one motivates me, why cant i?

my financial situation does not support the $100,000+ for a real super car, no where close. that’s not where it ends, this is where i say knowledge is power. but that’s too cliche. knowledge is everything. i don’t have the money to pay for people to build a lambo for me, when i know how to do it myself.

This brings me to my next topic, knowledge. for years i have worked in mechanics, i have even built my current daily driver a 2003 dodge neon srt4. so advanced mechanics and vehicle repair is a comfortable area for me. hopefully during my journey i can help you in the future

computers and electronics, i am a veteran from the united states ARMY, as a 94A (Land Combat Electronic Missile Systems Repair) so electronics and computers are a normal area for me as well. and now on to the juicy stuff.

my idea is to 3d print a lambo shell (base model of a Lamborghini gallardo) and integrate it onto a existing car or chassis. i have a 3d printer, and all the necessary files and programs i need for this project. if i get enough requests i may put the files up for download but that might not be for a while as i’m still slicing and prepping them to print for myself. if you have any questions or suggestions shoot me an email or message me, i might be setting up a forum in the near future.

     Well a lot has happened before i decided to make a blog, a few years ago i decided to buy a 3d printer and after doing a lot of research on different models and types of printers, comparing them and blah blah blah. i found the ANYCUBIC I3 MEGA the build plate in 200 mm X 200 mm X 200 mm that's around 8 inches for us Americans. now i had also stumbled upon a 3d model of a Lamborghini Gallardo while finding cars to mod into the game car mechanic simulator 2019. then started messing around with it in my 3D program (3ds max 17) i found that i can create a shell modifier on the body that is 1.3 mm thick and am able to export the file in a .obj format, then to open the file in Cura and modify it to take less time to print and using considerably less filament then any thing iv tried before, this was a breakthrough as each 8 in piece takes about an hour to print making the project somewhat bearable. *before an 8 inch piece would have taken 4 or 5 hours to print making the project a dumb idea*

     During the last weeks snow storm i had some free time to invest into the idea, i started printing pieces and before i knew it i was hooked. 2 days later ( approx. 10 hours of print time) i was able to print almost half of the front bumper using just less then a 1 kg. (2.2 lbs) of filament. *i used left over rolls of filament so the pieces are different colors* but the amount is about the same. the photo above is a update on how much i have done the RED is un prepped for printing Green is prepped and needs to be printed and Light Blue is printed and completed if you look closely the parts are grid locked to the size of my printer. the model is only in done in one half as during the printing process i can just flip every model and print it for the other side of the car. this model also includes the interior so that will be printed in the future as well.